Getting acquainted with foreigners on the Internet, many women faced the problem: what to write to the man they like in the first message? How to take Man You Like the first step that will make a good impression on him and, perhaps, become The Beginning of Relationship a promising acquaintance?
“Hey! How are you?” – Man You Like
“We are so afraid of being intrusive that we seem indifferent.” E. M. Remarque
The most common and, in our opinion, extremely unfortunate version of the first message are: “Hi”, “Hello”, “Hello. How are you?” and all possible variations of “Hi! How are you?” in Russian or German… What is the problem with such messages? They are very impersonal. The first letter of this kind may give the impression of indifference. This is how they get acquainted in bars, at a disco or in Hollywood films. Without a doubt, this is an easy way to start a casual conversation. However, this method is effective only in real life.
When you triptogether are in close proximity to each other. In online dating, it’s just a couple of words that don’t say anything: neither about you and your personality, nor about the purpose of dating, nor about your interest in meeting this man, nor about that you really paid attention to him and read his profile, and did not send out “Hello. How are you?” dozens of foreigners.
What to write to the foreigner you like in the first message?
It is quite natural that an interesting and individual first message does not immediately come to mind. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! The first letter should be considered, given time and, perhaps, a little fantasy.
We will offer you some ideas for the first post. They may be able to give you an idea or help you find the “direction” for your first letter. We ask you to treat with understanding the triptogether.com fact that each woman is individual, therefore it is simply impossible to create a “full-fledged instruction” on what to write to the man you like in the first letter.
- Do not forget that the first letter is just the first step towards getting to know each other. No one will judge your courage and creativity. The strictest judges for ourselves, often, are ourselves. It may be easier for you to overcome insecurity, fear and write an interesting message if you imagine that the man has already written to you first and you are faced with the task of writing a response letter. How do you envision the “perfect” first email from an interesting stranger? What questions would he ask you? Feel free to imagine the compliments that he gave you ;-)… and just come up with an answer to his letter!
- The first message should convey a piece of your personality, your individuality and uniqueness.
- In the first message, you can describe your purpose (the purpose of your acquaintance). The use of the subjunctive (“I would like…”) would be appropriate. Also try not to touch on the man’s personality and goals (“only write if you’re serious”). You talk about yourself and your goal, you want to introduce yourself, so you should not so openly suspect him of something (and tell him about it in the first letter) or give him an ultimatum.
About me
- It is not easy for every person to start talking about personal topics (this applies to describing the purpose of the acquaintance in the first letter or a short story about yourself). However, you can make your first post original and unobtrusive. For example, are you into literature or do you enjoy watching movies? Use a quote from your favorite author or movie character that describes the situation, your priorities in life, or the purpose of dating. For example: “Principles must sometimes be violated, otherwise there is no joy from them.” (E. M. Remarque). This may include the principle of not writing to a man first ;-).
This is an interesting and unobtrusive way to start communication. The first message in which you have chosen a suitable quote will show the originality of your personality. Take care, however, that the chosen one understands you: try to find the quote you have chosen in English or German, or translate it correctly (without loss of meaning) yourself. - Something in his profile was especially memorable and attracted your attention? For example, his profession, pet or hobby depicted in the photographs. Or maybe you have previously been to the city in which he lives? All this can serve as an occasion and an easy “introduction” to start dating.
- Everything that connects you can serve as a reason to start communication. Love for nature , art, the desire to find your man (pay attention to the short text in the profiles of men. Often they talk about themselves or their goal there.).
- In addition to a short text, you can attach a photo to the first letter. However, send the photo that the man has not yet seen in your profile on an international dating site .
- Be sure to translate your first letter into English or German. You can think about an interesting first letter for a long time, but what is the use of it if a foreign gentleman cannot understand you? Based on experience, we note that most often letters without translation, written in Russian, remain unanswered.
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In conclusion, we would like to wish you good luck, courage and ask you to remember that two people who are made for each other can always find a common language. For true feelings and desire to be together, words do not play a major role.