Your Love Not Indifferent to Him. Have you met a man and want to know if he’s into you? Here are 10 signs that don’t lie!
He Talks a Lot
They may play it very confidently, the boys often do not lead wide in front of the girls when they are interested! As a result, they talk, they talk, and often say anything and everything to fill their discomfort…
He Canceled a Football Party for You
Worse: he had even forgotten that there was football tonight! Since he met you, he hardly sees his friends anymore and his last football-beer-pizza evening goes back to… the time when you didn’t know him yet. No comment!
He Finds it Hard to Hold Your Gaze
He who nevertheless has the reputation of being a serial seducer (it is he who says so) cannot look you in the eye without wearing a silly smile and DilMil immediately turning scarlet. Addict !
He Knows Your Facebook Profile by Heart
Friends, photos, comments: to believe some of his remarks, he seems to have visited every corner of your Facebook profile, dissected the slightest photo and peeled the 2,000 comments. Is he looking for a clue or is he just curious?
He Doesn’t Look at Other Girls
Neither in the restaurant, nor in the street: when he is with you, he seems completely absorbed by your presence. In short, he only has eyes for you, and that says it all!
He Hasn’t (yet) Dared to Kiss You
He seems to want to but who knows why, he hasn’t done it yet. Maybe he’s scared of getting kicked out, or anxious about bumping into you? One thing is certain: if you were indifferent to him, he would have already left!
He went back to sports
In his own words, he decided to get his act together and hunt down his candy apples to feel better about himself. After two years of letting go, one wonders where this sudden motivation comes from.
He redid his wardrobe
The shopping and him, that makes two. However, he asked you to accompany him to help him redo his look. A woman always hides behind this kind of miracle…
He shaves every day
However, in his photos, he often looks like a three-day beard, and even a four- or five-day beard… To believe that he does this in anticipation of a future first kiss, so as not to irritate your pretty soft skin…
He wants to know everything about you
Does he ask you questions about your life, your friends, your family, and is curious about everything that concerns you? It’s official: he’s addicted!
Exposing your feelings isn’t easy, is it? We are afraid to reveal ourselves, and to say too much… However, there is in us this irrepressible need to speak to him about it, to DilMil.Co declare to him what we feel, what we desire, what our heart burns with. confess… How to go about making this sentimental openness become an exchange between well-meaning people?
When to tell him how I feel? – Your Love Not Indifferent to Him
Of course, there are moments that call for an impromptu declaration, that require us to declaim a few verses of our most beautiful spontaneous poetry. However, if you have something to say to him, consider preparing the ground!
Choose a time when he has nothing, but then really nothing better to do (the competition of a football match on TV is fatal to any sentimental expression).
Avoid declarations in the heat of love passion: even if at the time it seems obvious to you, you could regret it in the morning. If you think he’s the man of your life, but you met him the day before, wait a bit…
Opt for a time when you can have his full attention for you and only for you: a weekend breakfast, a walk hand in hand, a drink alone in a bar, etc.
What should I expect? – Your Love Not Indifferent to Him
It’s common knowledge that men don’t easily talk about feelings, and in this register have a fairly marked tendency to clumsiness.
Your statement will therefore more likely be a solo, to which he can respond: in monosyllables, with an embarrassed “thank you” or with a simple “me too”. Don’t draw any conclusions. Let infuse, wait a few days!
Tell him I like him – Your Love Not Indifferent to Him
The “I like you” is the first big step to take on the path of declarations between singles. It’s a way to formalize something that has often been in the air for some time. To see him again is already to suggest that he likes you. Confide in him too. And don’t forget that your look can also say a lot…
Each expresses this in its own way, with words that resemble it. But “I feel really good with you”, “I love being with you”, “when I’m with you, I feel alive again”, “I love the way you…” have proven themselves. Bet on sure values!
The first “I love you” – Your Love Not Indifferent to Him
The declaration of love is both an occasion of great happiness and thrill. So choose your moment carefully. You can even stage it a little: meals, candles, symbolic places, travel… Everything is allowed!
Less formal and more spontaneous, there is also the option of “I love you” off the cuff, out of the blue.
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In the couple – Your Love Not Indifferent to Him
Once the couple is settled in, the thrill of the first meeting is long gone, don’t think there’s nothing more to say… It’s important to make time for yourself, openings where you can express yourself on what we feel, what we miss or what we would like to change.
Men don’t like to talk too much about how they feel: but they like to be told that we like them or that we love them… And the most important thing is to create a relationship in which this kind of thing can be said. For the rest: as a proposal to move in together or a marriage proposal, it will come naturally for your greatest happiness.